3. Initialize Agent with an Integry Function as a Tool
slack_post_message =await integry.functions.get("slack-post-message", user_id)tools = [ slack_post_message.get_langchain_tool(CrewStructuredTool.from_function, user_id)]crewai_agent =Agent( role="Integration Assistant", goal="Help users achieve their goal by performing their required task in various apps", backstory="You are a virtual assistant with access to various apps and services. You are known for your ability to connect to any app and perform any task.", verbose=True, tools=tools, llm=llm,)
4. Execute Agent
task =Task( description="Say hello to my team on slack", agent=crewai_agent, expected_output="Result of the task",)crew =Crew(agents=[crewai_agent], tasks=[task])result = crew.kickoff()